
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Love of Art ~ Straight from My Heart

That’s exactly where my art comes from…my heart.  I love sketching a new design, a sassy girl, or something to go along with one of my thoughts I’ve saved in my quote book.  And, more often than not, new ideas emerge once I began breathing life into a sketch…new colors, fun texture, and more of my heart.

I have loved art ever since I was a little girl.  I always had such fun trying to teach myself to draw horses, dogs, and any other fun subjects and loved for my mom to buy art books for me.  I absolutely loved a new box of color crayons, too!  Oh, all those colors to choose from…pure {creative} bliss! The only thing about a new box of crayons was the fact that I didn’t want to “mess them up”!  🙂  That didn’t last too long though!  Fast forward a few years, and I am still lovin’ crayons and all sorts of other art goodies.  I love taking my sketchbook to the beach and then, have the best time bringing my sketches to life with color, ephemera, and so much more.

“She was amazing in every way…especially in her heart.” ~ Ann~Margaret

I loved bringing this girl to life…your HEART is your center…that spot that speaks the truth about what you love, what you dream of, and what you fear {and, a whole lot more!}.  Sometimes people don’t share their heart very openly, while others do…they just let it all out for the world to see. Each of us is different so we have to share what feels right for us.  As I go through life and meet more people along different paths, I love getting to know a piece of their heart.  And, quite honestly, so many people are truly amazing.  Each one has a special gift to share.  We don’t all share our gifts through creativity…in the art, painting sense, and that doesn’t mean that you are not creative.  You may teach children, run a nonprofit, facilitate business meetings for a corporate office.  Whatever it is you do, I’m sure that if you shared a little piece of your heart with us we would find that you are AMAZING.  And, I hope this sweet chick above will help you to remember this!!  She is available as a wall print, on note cards, and I really feel she needs to grace a beautiful pendant {These will be listed in the shoppe this week.}.  Let her hang out with you in your office or be that sweet smile that greets you as you begin your day!

If you could see my heart…hmm…what would you see??  ~ Well, I hope you can see it!  I hope you see it in all that I do and create because that is where all my sketches, designs, energy, dreams, blog posts, and other fun stuff comes from.  Yep, right from my heart.  And, I’ll be honest, sharing things with you all right here just keeps encouraging me to share my heart more and more.  Of course, we have parts of our heart that we protect, that we keep for those closest to us, and that is perfectly ok and how it should be.  But, don’t forget about that part that needs to be shared, that needs to be nurtured so it can grow even more…it’s that part that makes you amazing!

Releasing more of my paintings and sketches is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and I just feel so excited when I think about how it can make someone else feel.  I hope it will inspire you, add a bit o’ SUNSHINE to your day, help you to realize that you are not alone, remind you that your DREAMS can become a reality, encourage you to focus on your faith when you feel like your strength is not enough for what you may be facing, and show you that yes, you are AMAZING!!

I’m participating in the FlyTribe: Love of Art Blog Party and invite you to check out some of the amazing art and beautiful thoughts that are being shared.  Just click on the link below to visit the FlyTribe Blog.

Be sure to share a little of your HEART today ~ the results will be quite AMAZING, I’m sure!!

2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions

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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer