
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Mondays Make Me Crazy {what about you??} ~ And, a New {TEAtime} Art Chick Makes Her Way to the Shoppe

Well, I don’t know about you, but let me be honest…Mondays do kinda make me crazy!! I’ve tried to fight the urge of really allowing myself to just realize this is the case….that this is how Mondays seem to roll, and well, I’ve decided to just give into the notion that this is the truth!  And, it seems rather fitting that here I am working on this post on Thursday, and it was supposed to go live on Monday!! See what I mean?!!  Not sure what happens on that day, but I seem to feel such an urgency to get so many things accomplished.  The more I try to work on them, the farther behind I feel and seem to get.  You see, I was trying really hard to make a plan that would involve me working on the upcoming week’s schedule on Sunday afternoon/evening.  I know…I get it…even as I type this I see just how crazy that possibly is.  While Sunday can be a great day to think about the upcoming week, what all I want to get done, and so on…well, it is still part of the weekend, and I think I am just too busy with other things to truly devote the time and thought process to getting that weekly schedule all planned out.

The good thing about all of this is that usually when I get the Monday crazies, I seem to get busy creating!  And, sweet TEAtime art chicks come to life.  And, I have decided that it really is nothing that a good CUPPA {tea} won’t cure!!

For a few weeks I just kept trying to fight the MONDAY CRAZIES…oh, I would come into my office and try to complete the schedule that was just left hanging from Sunday, I would look at my calendar at the list of tasks I had outlined, I would feel such an urge to be out in my studio painting and creating.  And, guess what??  Before I knew it, it was noon, and even getting up at 7am had left me feeling rather unaccomplished for the hours that had just slipped away.  I did this for a few weeks…trying to force a pattern of how I thought my Monday should be going…feeling very frustrated that I was not following a schedule.  And, then it hit me…and, ok, I confess, my hubby listened and shared a few words of encouragement.  Why was I pushing myself to do something that just seemed unnatural?  Why was I trying to create this schedule, forcing myself to fit into a slot that just didn’t seem to work?  So, I grabbed a cuppa, gave it some thought, and decided to give myself a break.  I decided that if on Monday morning it feels more natural for me to accept the calling to be in my studio, then, that is where I need to be.  I try not to focus so much on work things on the weekend, and although I am often sketching on the beach or painting, I am not focusing on getting that done so I think I am just craving creating time once Monday rolls around.  And, to put myself in my office chair with all these plans of answering emails, working on blog posts, and other administrative tasks…well, sometimes that just doesn’t seem to be where I need to be.

So, I’ve decided that Monday just needs to be the day I get started again, and if that means I use part of Monday morning to sit on the patio and plan the week {or, if this doesn’t take place until the afternoon) or am out in the studio with paint on my fingers, well, that is just what I shall do.  Sometimes we have to go through the motions of things to really figure out what works best for us.  Just because a schedule or plan works for someone else or appears to work perfectly for them does not mean it is what is best for us.  We have to dig in, take notes, and pay attention to the moments where we seem to be our best and notice what we are doing to make that happen.

So, when your mind feels a bit blurry, and your heart just feels full of thoughts, try to find a little time to take a deep breath {or, many ~ I mean, let’s be honest…sometimes ONE just doesn’t do the trick!!} and have a cuppa tea!  And, you know me, I’m all about you finding those things in life that seem to help YOU during times of frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, and stress so whatever it is that allows you to have a few minutes of YOU time…do this.  Our lives are so busy and full of doing for others, accomplishing those to do lists, and managing all sort of things, but if we don’t do a little something for ourselves, then, we really can’t be at our best for anyone else.

And, you might just need a sweet reminder so this teaART girl would love to hang somewhere in your space so she can help you out!  You may find her in my shoppe now, and the prints of this design will also be available soon.  She was created with a ton of love, heartfelt thoughts, and lots of my favorite supplies!

What are you going to do for YOU today??  I wanna know!  I’m not gonna let you off the hook now!!  If something is not working with your schedule or plans, take a peek at how you may be able to shake things up so you can be more productive and happier!  I promise the two can coexist!!

**Many thanks to each of you that have watched my video, shared it, and sent me sweet words regarding it!! Wow~ you all made me smile {big time}!!  It really does take a little nudging oneself to put a video out for the world to see, and I truly appreciate all the beautiful thoughts you all shared with me about my vlog.  There will be more…yep, they’ll be shorter, and of course, every now and then, I’ll probably have lots to say all at once like this last one! LOL  “Tuesdays with Tucker” will resume next week {the blog post}…Tucker was busy that night trying to deal with the noise of the raccoons in our attic.  He’ll tell you all about it!  🙂  Follow us on Facebook if you’re not already so you can see all the fun ‘n crazy happenings that take place here!


2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions

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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer