
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Tuesdays with Tucker {The Westie}…A Little “Hello”

I know…I’m really late with my post for today!! Whew…I’ve been busy, I tell ya!  We had severe thunderstorms yesterday and even a tornado warning…which had me huddled up in the bathroom with my mom and poppy!!  Oh, my goodness…I am not all about this crazy weather, I tell ya!! Thank goodness, all was ok, but our backyard is once again like a pond in one area so my mom is right on my heels when I start headin’ that way!! heehee  Guess she thinks I’m likely to run right through it!!  And, the thought did not ever cross my mind!! LOL  Ok, well, maybe for just a sec!  I do have a really busy schedule during storms because I feel it is my duty to keep my parents aware of every bolt of lightning and clap of thunder.   Well, someone has to do it, right??? Right???  🙂  Ok, I can clearly see whose side you are on!! Sooo…. I get a little loud, my bark is enough to make you want to pull your fur hair out…or, so I hear!  But, when it’s all said and done, I am quite sure they are very proud of me for being so observant!!  Yep, I’m sure of it…that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!!   🙂  And, now that the sun is shining, I plan on doing lots of what you see in the picture above!! 🙂

My mom is going to be back to blogging, too…I promise!  She has so much she wants to share with y’all, but that chick has been super busy trying to finish up her website redesign.  When she began to make changes I don’t think she really calculated just how many pictures would need to be changed out on the site…oh, yes, all those rectangle pictures at the top of the subcategories…well, there are lots of them, and she has to replace them with the new size.  She still has a good bit to do because she is also redoing some of the pages, but I think you will love it when it’s all done.  She had been planning and thinking about these changes for a few years since she began to really focus on her signature line back then, but she just needed to find a good time to try to work it in.  Well, I tell ya…there usually isn’t a good time for such because it does involve alot of hours of work…tons of hours, and it’s a little hard to fit in when she’s filling orders and such, too!! So, she’s working on it as she can because she wants to edit the pictures, redo some pages, and other things herself.  She’ll get it done and then, tell you all about it!!  🙂

Hope you’re getting the chance to play in the sunshine a bit!!

2011 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s and Tuesdays with Tucker™
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer