
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Sweet JOY!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Yes, I'm still doing a little "catching up" so bear with me as I fill in the happenings for a few days I missed.  I receive the daily devotionals from Joel Osteen and will share some of my favorites with you all along.  I cannot tell you how many times I have opened one of these devotionals to find just the words or inspiration I needed at that very moment, or maybe the words seemed to speak directly to me and related to what was going on with my day or something I had recently experienced.  This one was no different.  I actually opened this inspiration up after talking with a friend and was amazed to see how much it related to the conversation we had just shared.  Leslie, I hope you read this and can see just how perfect it is, too…just went right along with our sweet conversation! 

"Inexpressible and Glorious Joy"
From "Today's Word with Joel & Victoria"

Today's Scripture

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy" (I Peter 1:8, NIV).

Do you need more joy in your life?  This verse tells us that when we choose to believe in God, we are filled with His joy.  And, not just any kind of joy – inexpressible and glorious joy!  Have you ever seen someone filled with inexpressible joy over something?  Their face is beaming…their heart is pounding.  They can hardly contain themselves.  They are so excited they can't think of anything else.  They have so much confidence over what they know that nothing can take away their joy.  As believers, that's how we should be.  We should be confident in the goodness of God and filled with His inexpressible and glorious joy!

I encourage you today to be bold and believe God. Get to know Him better by knowing His Word.  Hold His promises close to your heart so that you can be filled with His confidence and joy all the days of your life.

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your joy unspeakable and full of glory. I choose to believe You and trust in Your goodness.  I invite you to search my heart and remove anything that would keep me from all You have in store.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen

I hope you find sweet JOY in your day today!  Sometimes it may seem hard to find…maybe we're having a rough day…things just seem so frustrating or overwhelming.  But, you know what…a lot of times I have been amazed to find something good…a bit of JOY…just when I thought there wasn't any.  And, it may be in an unexpected place…which just makes it all the better!  It's there…we just have to look for it! 🙂

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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer