I am so excited to share this fun Etsy treasury with you today! I received an email from The Short Shop on Etsy that my Auburn belt buckle is featured in her treasury! Thank you so much!! And, what an awesome treasury it is because it is all about Sweet Home Alabama!! I love this!! She created her treasury with goodies from sellers in Alabama, and I am so proud to be a part of it! You will have fun checking out some of the other items from these cute shops. There are so many talented artists on Etsy, and I am excited to be a part of the Etsy community.
You may find that sassy Auburn belt buckle ~ Auburn Tigers~ in AnnMargaretsSpecialT shoppe on Etsy along with many of my other signature items. With the holiday shopping season just around the corner, it is a perfect time to start perusing unique shops for special gifts.
When you shop with me you are doing more than just buying a unique item…
You are supporting…
"Made in America" items
Handmade creations designed and created by yours truly
A small business that loves giving rockstar customer service and attention to detail
I LOVE my customers and have the best time creating for you and truly appreciate your encouragement and support of my business!
Below is a sampling of some of the items you will find in my Etsy shoppe…And, yes, my personal website , Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe, is filled with goodies, too! Alabama (Roll Tide, etc) buckles are also available, and I will be posting those soon in the shoppe.
Etsy AnnMargaretsSpecialT |
I was also featured in another treasury last night and a few others from last week. I'll share those, as well, here on the blog but just thought this morning would be a great time to share this ALABAMA treasury. Many of you were probably cheering for your favorite team over the weekend so what better way to start your Monday!
Thought for the Day:
"Reinforce the stitch that ties us and I will do the same for you."
~Doris Schwerin

2010 Copyright Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe/Ann-Margaret's Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics).
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