
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Sunset Sunday ~ Hope on the Horizon

I don’t know about you, but I find that some weeks require a little more looking for HOPE on the horizon.

Some weeks are filled with a bit more stress, a little more tugging at your heart, and that “tried and true” feeling of knowing that you are worrying when you shouldn’t be.

But, sometimes it takes these moments…these weeks to remind us or show us that it’s a good time to open our heart to someone. It’s time to be ok with the realization that it really is ok to ask for help.  I can assure you this is a tough thing for me…”Miss Independent” I have sometimes been called {LOL}.  Now, yes, that can be a good thing, but when we find ourselves trying to manage it all…attempting to carry the weight all alone…well, that’s when we have to take time to listen to what our heart is saying.

Because usually the heart does not speak a foreign language.  Usually it speaks so real and so raw that we may try to silence it, but it knows when to keep whispering to us.  Yes, it knows.

It knows when to nudge you back to the horizon.  It knows when you need an extra dose of HOPE.  It’s in these little reminders that I find just what I need…I look for HOPE, and I believe in it.  And, I think God speaks of it so reassuringly through each sunset.

And, remember, sometimes things don’t just appear or happen when we think they should.  Sometimes it takes reaching out, stepping out, and letting go…but, you are not ever alone.  There will be someone to walk along beside you when you need it most, there will be a listening heart to hear you at just the right time, and you can always pray…and, I know this is an awesome way to be reminded that HOPE is so very real.

If you follow me on Facebook you probably saw a post I shared today from a friend’s wall…a blessing of HOPE for sure!!

Last week a sweet dream of mine came true…my adorable granny came to see me!! Yes, that’s right…my sweet parents brought her to the beach!!  What fun it was to show her around our home, give her the tour of my studio and office, and just love on her!  And, of course, she loved lovin’ on Tucker!! Who wouldn’t?!!  🙂  The past few weeks have been busy ones so I haven’t been blogging near as much as I had planned to.  But, I’ve got lots to catch you up on so be sure to stop by during the week.  And, goodness…I do believe it is time for another “vlog”!!

2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer