
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Studio Love…A Place to Create, Dream, and Speak from My Heart

My studio…the place where things get messy, I dream about goals, I paint from my heart, and I bring my sketches to life in hopes they will find their way to someone and give them a dose of SUNSHINE.  It’s this place that has evolved from half of John’s office in Virginia {b/c I begged that I needed more room to spread my creative wings…it had been in the dining room at one point!}, a huge bonus room upstairs in our home in Huntsville, to now, my dream spot…a sunroom overlooking a beautiful pond with fun critters to keep Tucker and me peeking outside to see what they are up to.  My studio in Huntsville was big enough to house my creative/painting studio, shipping area, and my jewelry/belt buckle designing spot.  When we moved to Florida I had to be a bit creative with just how I was going to work in all these spaces and knew that I would be separating them so they could be as functional as I needed them to be.  And, I have done just that!  It was a little challenging to begin with because I was constantly opening a box that said “studio” or “office” and would inevitably have to run to the sun room, back to my office, or some other spot to find a place for all those goodies.  I always like to have a separate office, and I have that here just as I did in Huntsville.  It just makes things easier.  Now, not so much when I am needing to scan something or need a particular tool in the studio that I usually use with my jewelry designing.  But, somehow it has all come together, and each spot has turned into just the area I need for all that I am working on.  And, DOING WHAT I LOVE is the blessing that requires me to have these areas to create, design, think, dream, and WORK.

To me, the spaces just would not have “Ann-Margaret” written allover them if they didn’t hold some of my favorite treasures and items of inspiration.  You know how I love inspiration boards so these always have to be a part of these spaces for me.  And, books…I love having books in fun spots…I have always loved to read.  As a young girl  and teen I loved to have 3 or so books going at once…I would read a bit in one, a little in another, and so on.  Crazy that I liked that, but oh, how I loved books then…and, still do!  I now find myself so drawn to old, vintage books…books that have been held by many hands…hands that hold life stories.  I will definitely have to share one book with you that I bought not too long ago at a thrift store.  Just loved the messages I found inside.  🙂  See that sassy girl behind the book?  Well, she is too cute at holding some of my big brushes…she makes me SMILE!!! Love stuff in my studio that makes me smile…if it doesn’t do that, make me happy, add a dose of sunshine to it’s spot…well, it’s outta there!

And, yep, I’ll confess…this girl has some paintbrushes!! As I’ve told you before, my creative spirit is deep in my heart…passed along to me from my sweet great-grandmother Mamie {Her home became the tea room…I sooo love that we had so much love and happiness blooming in that house again when it was open!!}, my granny, and then, my mom.  They are all creative, and my mom used to teach cake decorating classes and designed cakes for weddings, birthdays, and other special events for people.  And, then, she began painting all sorts of beautiful wood pieces.  As a little girl, I would help gesso all those wood cutouts…yes, I’m sure complaining some of the time.  haha  Funny, how gesso later became a friend to me again!  I loved watching her put all the details on all the fun things she painted and watching a piece of wood just come to life.  I loved pulling out my art books she would buy for me when I was a little girl…I can so remember drawing this beautiful horse head…gosh, wish I could find that!  And, although I have always doodled, sketched here and there, drawn out ideas for how to rearrange a room, laid out ideas for a cute buckle or pendant, it was last year that I really began to pull out thoughts from my heart and visit ART in even more ways.

I am rarely quiet…yep, like to chat, talk it up, engage in a bit o’ conversation!! That’s me…but, when I am sketching, painting, listening to my heart for ideas that I want to share…I can get so lost in it all…probably the quietest I ever am! John probably recognizes these moments…I imagine he may wonder if something is wrong with me but just enjoys the quiet for a bit and says nothing!! heehee  Yes, he teases me a bit…I don’t meet much of a stranger and do like to chat…but, if I think someone is strange…well, let’s just say he has taught me to be aware of my surroundings!!  Along with listening to my heart comes the excitement of learning more about what it is I want to share in my creative journey so I am having such fun stretching my wings and trying new things or just learning new techniques by taking some amazing classes from some awesome chicks.  Alisa Burke and Christy Tomlinson inspire me so, as well as, several others that I will share with you along this journey.  Each possesses their own COLORFUL style, and with each new thought, ideas, bits and pieces of artful growth…well, I find myself learning more about my HEART and where all this creativity blooms.  So, hang on for the journey…it’s gonna be fun, it’s definitely gonna be COLORFUL {because this chick likes some COLOR, I tell ya!!}, and maybe somewhere along the way you will feel your heart speaking to you.  It may not be artsy or full of creativity, but I know your soul is full of beautiful blooms that are true to YOU!! Let’s find them together ~

*My shoppe will reopen on January 16th ~ in the meantime be sure to stop by my blog to see what all I am working on…new creations are underway!!”  🙂


2011 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer