
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Bringing a Canvas to Life with a Cute ‘N Sassy Girl, Colorful Umbrella, and Of Course, a Dose of Blessings!

A blank white canvas…to some it is one of the most fabulous things in the world, while to others, it seems overwhelming and intimidating.  The opportunity to start fresh with a blank slate can sometimes be just what we need.  Yes, it requires one to be willing to think outside the box, let go, be free with your heart, and most importantly….JUST START!!

And, that’s exactly what I did one night…I grabbed a canvas, took a long look at it, and before I realized it, I had begun to sketch this sassy girl.  The ideas began to flow, and while I had thought of the phrase many months ago I had not started a painting to go along with it.  But, just like that…I started!  Oh, goodness, it can be so difficult to just choose a place to start sometimes, and many times I have found that I just over analyze the entire process.  Guess what happens then?  NOTHING!!! Yep, that’s right…sometimes we can just over think something to the point of which it causes us to be paralyzed and unable to move forward.  I am trying to JUST DO, let go, be free.  I don’t have to know what color palette I’m going to work with when I head out into my studio, what message I want to center a sketch around, or even what in the world I am going to work on that day.  For awhile I was really trying to have all of these things in place because I thought I needed to “schedule myself” this way.  I found that it just didn’t work {I do like a schedule though and have found a new one that suits me much better!} .  My heart spoke rather loudly, screaming, “Just paint from ME {your heart}…just let my ideas, my passions, my voice guide you.”.  And, you know what?  That is just what I have started doing, and the ideas are flowing so much better.  I don’t feel as though I am struggling.  And, that’s a blessing!! When you put those blessings with a sassy girl and a fabulous umbrella she has a story to tell!! *She’s still in the works so stay tuned for lots of creative details to be added!

Her story is one that is sure to BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DAYS!! She will have you looking for your blessings all around you, and she will encourage you to recognize them even on days you just can’t seem to see them!  {Promise! ~ She’s sweet like that!!  But, sassy, too…she’s gonna hold you to it!}.  Next week she’ll make an official debut…story and all!!

My studio is full of colorful inspiration…paints, fabric, papers, fun ephemera, artwork, magnificent pens and pencils, and so much more, but I am always seeking inspiration.  And, I love finding it when I’m least expecting it…maybe a trip to the mailbox or on a walk with Tucker…colorful blessings dotted all around!

Bet you know where else I find it!! Oh, yes, the beach for sure!  I love it when the water creates these little pools just perfect for toe dipping!!  🙂  I love putting a chair right in this very spot!

I’m sure you know that a southern girl isn’t about to miss spotting a beautiful magnolia!  Isn’t it pretty??!  I just love how some of the blooms hide amongst all the big leaves just sorta peeking out.

What blessings are you finding peeking out at you today?  I hope your weekend is filled with tons of them!

And, if there’s a project that you’ve been mulling over, trying to decide just how to begin…JUST START…relax your mind a little, try not to over think the details, and give it a go!!

*Be sure to come back next week to see miss Sassy Umbrella Girl in all her glory!!*

2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!:)

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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer