One morning back in March I was in the kitchen making breakfast, about to get ready to take Cooper for his walk when all of a sudden my heart was just filled with a message I wanted to share with you. At the time, it was just a short message…just something on my heart I wanted to express. I came to my laptop and decided I would just do an audio message since I had been thinking about creating a podcast to go along with my blog. It’s something I had been wanting to play around with so I decided to record a little heart talk that morning. I sat down and just started talking, and before I knew it my “little message” had turned into a bigger (longer) one! 🙂 And, here we are in October, and I am just now sharing it with you. Why? Well, the simplest answer is God’s timing ~ not mine. There were several times I started to share it, but one thing or another came up or caused me to hold off on doing so. Last week I really felt Kaylee speaking to me, and she strongly encouraged me to realize NOW is the time to share it. She has really fabulous ideas, and she can get a bit sassy with me if I don’t listen so I try to pay attention to what she says! 🙂 So, here goes ~ my first podcast! And, of course my podcast series has a special name {yes!! ~ there will be more!}: “A Cuppa Positivity with Ann~Margaret…Sprinkled with a Dose of ‘Kaylee Joy'”! 🙂 Even if you have to grab a cuppa or two to get you through, I hope you’ll take a listen…come sit with me at the kitchen table for a peek into my heart. I promise all the ones going forward won’t be this long, but well, my heart had a lot to say that morning! LOL And, when you hear me mention October…I am referring to October of 2017. So, you can see, this heart message has been brewing for quite some time! I’m also working on a new blog design so stay tuned for a new look coming soon! 🙂 Just click the “play” button on the bar below to hear the podcast. *It may take a several seconds for it to download ~ you may have to click the play button twice. This is sort of a “beta podcast”, as I’ll be tweaking things as I’m redesigning my blog.* I hope it wraps your heart in a hug!
Lots of love to you!
Copyright 2018 Ann-Margaret, Artist~Writer~Photographer/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
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Oh Sweet Mersister what a beautiful gift you gave me tonight. My heart is full, Thank you
Thank you, sweet Ann-Margeret, for this timely message of what God has been laying on your heart! I hear ya, girlie! The struggle is real! Dealing with it and/or being still–oh mercy! lol Yes, you’re so right it’s what our hearts need…be still! Thank you for the delicious cuppa & scones! Thank your sweet momma for the lemon curd! And we’ll keep spreading KayleeJoy which comes from being with Jesus! love&hugs! Excited about all your news! Keep on!