
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Tuesdays with Tucker…A Visit to the Eye Specialist

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Oh, goodness, talk about being a good sport…or, as mommy likes to say "a good trooper"…well, I must say that is just what I have been!!  Yes, I am used to wearing this cute collar now and dealing with all those drops and such that mommy keeps having to doctor my eyes with…BUT…I think it's ok if I am a little honest with you all!  I really don't like wearing this sassy collar, and I am so ready for my eye to heal so I can see the world as I normally do.  Today we headed to see an eye specialist since my sweet vet thought I might need another little procedure to help the healing process.  I just have to tell you that normally I really do not like to ride in the car.  I think I am like my mommy…yes, if the woman is not driving…well, she gets carsick!  I'm not joking!  When is she going to outgrow this?!! I usually begin barking (and, it is rather shrill) not long after we have started out on a journey in the car.  I am usually just having to ride to the vet which is close by, but today we had to go a little farther.  I was so good!!  I didn' t start barking until we were about 2 minutes away from the vet's office!!  Mommy gets a little irritated with "Poppy" because he will actually take ear plugs for any ride where I am tagging along.  I think it's kinda funny…she looks at him…spots those ear plugs…and begins her talk about how it is really not appropriate for him to have those in when she is the one driving!  Guess she wants him to suffer, too!  He assures her that he can still hear her!  Now, I think he's fooling her!  But, I declare, he does answer her when she says something.  They're so funny!!  So, back to me…the eye specialist did my procedure and put a contact on my eye since she said that would help to make it a little more comfy.  I was such a good patient!! :)  So, let the healing begin…well, hope this makes it happen faster!  Thanks so much for all your sweet thoughts and prayers.  Mommy tells me about each and every comment you all send my way…and, sometimes I read them myself!!  But, I do like for her to read to me!  I've got the life, I tell you!! 

DAYDREAM…wag your tail…and, know that it's all gonna be ok!!

That's what I say!!

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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer