
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Take Me to the Ballgame…To See My Nephew!!

Friday, May 8th, 2009

I'm not sure when it happened because it seems as though it was overnight…but,  "Dill" (my nephew) as we like to call him sometimes, went from being this little blonde haired boy to a 6'5" young man.  The above quote is one of my husband's favorite bits of inspiration, and I
created a unique gift with it for Dillon's 16th birthday.  I thought it was the perfect gift for this special birthday and would serve as a reminder for him to always do his best.  I could tell lots of cute stories about him, and he probably wouldn't even mind…because he has such a good sense of humor…such a fun personality…such a way about him…he's good like that… a good sport! :)  However, I have much more important issues to chat about right now.   Today is a day of celebration since his team won the baseball state championship.  Dillon is a pitcher and knows how to ROCK that ball when it comes to baseball!  He loves the game, and it seems to love him right back.  :)  This week has had us all on the edge of our seats, as these guys had to wait for the rain to pass, reschedule games, and finally stood on that field with much pride and excitement as they accepted their trophy. 

I love the above picture of Dillon.  I have missed most of his games since we live far away, but I am always cheering him on from wherever my home happens to be at the time.  I have often teased him about "hitting a homer for me".  :)  My family sends me pictures so we can feel as though we were able to share in these fun moments, and this week, they pretty much gave me minute by minute updates.  As I said, we were all on the edge of our seats…some of us many miles away!  To me, this picture is the epitome of a true ball player.  It looks as though he is in deep thought, but he is relaxed and confident…Living the Dream!

I'm so proud of this pitcher, this friend, this unique young man!!  He was named Most Valuable Player of the tournament and was later named the Most Valuable Player of the team.  He is such a team player, and I was so proud of him and  for him when I heard that his teammates had chosen him.  🙂

It's all about how you play the game of LIFE.  What matters is that you hold your head up high, in victory or defeat, that you learn from your mistakes and continue to grow emotionally and spiritually.  It's about realizing that you cannot always win and accepting this with grace; it's about being a role model for all those around…all those eyes that are watching you and waiting to see how you will play the game, whatever the game may be.

I love this picture.  One of the parents captured this great moment, and my family shared it with me.  The team that PRAYS together knows how to deal with victory and defeat together.   PRAYER…it's an awesome thing!  How great it is to see these two teams sharing in this moment together!

The picture above was also captured by one of the parents, and I had fun adding a few special touches to it.  I decided to give it a bit of a vintage feel.  I love all of their excited expressions! 🙂

Last month was also an exciting time for Dillon.  Oh, yes, it was time for the much anticipated prom!  What fun!  He has a beautiful girlfriend, Samantha…and, she is just that sweet, too!  2 proms, 2 dresses, 2 tux, a limo ride, dancing, and making memories with friends…Two Nights to Remember!  Samantha's softball team also won their state championship.  Congratulations, Samantha!!  I couldn't wait to see the pictures from the proms…you two looked FABULOUS!! 

Dillon,  I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments!  I love sharing things about you with friends and people I come in contact with.  If baseball or basketball is ever mentioned, you can be assured I am talking about you.  Your personality is golden, and your heart is so real…these things will take you far in life, along with all of your many other amazing traits.  Each time I am home, I just look at you in amazement.  When you turned 16 I asked your mom if you really had to start driving.  haha  Goodness, it just seemed way too soon for you to be doing this!  You are an awesome big brother to Kaylee, and always realize that to those of us that are "little sisters"…well, we pretty much think you "big brothers" hung the moon and can get it for us anytime the need arises!  :)  Next year will be filled with much excitement for you, and I hope it is filled with many blessings, fun moments, and awesome opportunities.  I love being your "Auntie"…you make me so proud!! :)  I just need to see you more…but, in the meantime, try not to get any taller…I am soooo going to need a ladder if you do!! 🙂

I love you,

Your Auntie Ann~Margaret

2006~2009 Copyright Ann~Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer