
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


Macaroni and Cheese Cupcakes…Doesn’t Get Much More Yummy Than This!

Don’t you just love it when your friends introduce you to things that you instantly know you are going to love??  Well, my sweet friend Sheila introduced  me to her cousin’s blog a while back, and I was smitten from the get go!  Oh, my…Kate at Framed Cooks had me at “hello”, I can assure you!  She loves blogging, dogs (Tucker and I ♥ this!), and cooking.  There are so many recipes she shares that I am just dying to try, and I could not resist trying my hand at these Macaroni and Cheese Cupcakes!! Well, you know I love anything and everything CUPCAKE so it was a must!  And, I love them so much for many reasons, but mostly for this….

That’s right…a short recipe!  Now, I can handle this!  You know I am busy as a bee creating jewels and buckles, designing invitations and party items, and even splashing around a little paint on a canvas every now and then so I just need lots of quick and easy meal ideas to keep John happy and full!  As I was reading through Kate’s post about these little treats I was thinking how cute it would be to make them using my mini muffin tins…and, then, as I kept reading I find that a friend of hers suggested using these, too!  Now, you’ve probably figured out by now that I love to use my mini muffin tins, and yes, when I’m telling you about my signature scone mixes, I like to encourage you to use mini tins.  If you have ever attended one of my home boutique parteas you have sampled my mini scones.  They are just the perfect little treat, I tell ya!

And, just like Kate mentions in her blog post, the mixture is a bit sticky so it is a good idea to use Pam or some other nonstick cooking spray on the inside of the liners.  I will admit that I did not.  And, well, let’s just say that someone in our house was caught practically eating the wrapper…ok, it was NOT John…and, it was not Tucker.  I told you I liked these!!!  I shared this recipe with my mom and told her to be sure to spray her liners…she did…and, she did not have the need to practically eat the liner!  I’m just sayin’…don’t get so excited about this recipe {like I did} and forget that teensy weensy little tip!

So, in all the true glory of CUPCAKE FASHION I really felt the need to show these cute things off in style!  That’s right, girls…grab that cupcake stand and decorate it with these Macaroni ‘N Cheese Cupcakes!! How cute is this???!!!  However, there’s even one more thing that will really accessorize these fun cupcakes…

Of course, some of my printable cupcake toppers (found at Ann-Margaret’s SpecialTea Shoppe or AnnMargaretsSpecialT on Etsy)!  Now, wouldn’t these cupcakes be a great addition to your Thanksgiving menu?!!  Adults and children will both love them!  They’re good, easy to make, and cute as can be!  Now, that’s what I call a FABULOUS recipe!

Try making these one night…surprise your kiddos or sweet hubby…let me know how they like them!  And, stay tuned…before long you may just find that I’m having a giveaway of some fun cupcake toppers!  Be sure to become a fan of Ann-Margaret’s SpecialTea Shoppe on Facebook to be in the know!  Oh, when you visit Kate’s blog, you will see her Facebook link, too, so visit her there, and be sure to tell her that Ann-Margaret’s SpecialTea Shoppe sent you! 🙂

Happy Baking!

2010 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s SpecialTea Shoppe
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer