
Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer


A Peek into My Art Journal ~ Gratitude Girl

I thought it would be fun to give you a little peek into one of my art journals. I was busy working on other things the other day and just decided to flip a page and start dropping color. I grabbed some of my Dr Martin’s Bombay inks…yes, that vibrant RED…and just let my fingers do the coloring. A splash here, another there, and soon the page was showing dimension. I was focusing on gratitude that day…yes, things I am thankful for, and I feel strongly that LOVE is at the root of so much of how we feel and react to LIFE. I suppose that’s where the LOVE came from! I definitely wanted a girl on the page so I had fun sketching her with a charcoal pencil…changed her lips up a few times…just couldn’t get them as I wanted them at first. Now, I love them! I kept drawing them the same way at first…didn’t work. A good lesson for other things in life is when you find that the same thing just isn’t working…just isn’t creating the look you desire…well, it’s time to change things up a bit!

Then, it’s almost as though the light comes on! I can see things in a whole new way! I would have missed out on some sassy looking lips had I just kept doing the same old thing again!! But, the life lesson is all about allowing your mind to rethink something, breathe fresh air into it, let go of the fear that change may make things worse. I don’t know about you, but I have a difficult time sometimes letting go of how I’ve been doing something…changing up a habit and starting fresh. It’s hard to do at times, but I assure you that once you give it a try you will be so amazed with the results. Not only will things seem to blossom in ways you had not imagined, you will most likely find that it starts becoming easier and easier to add a little change to things…spice it up a bit! This can apply to so many things in our lives. I think we often feel that things are working ok and don’t even realize that they could be better. Or, we become distraught with the frustration of how stuck we are feeling. And, I know that the fear factor can really stand in the way of moving forward or giving change a chance.

This girl realized that once she allowed herself to look at the true color of things…life, a situation, her job, her goals, her dreams…she was able to move forward in a direction where fear once stood. And, she let her heart in on the action…that’s where LOVE comes through. Our minds can often create fears for no reason, and taking time to listen to the voice of our heart…well, it can be magical. Now, her eyes are wide open for all the possibilities that await her.

When you are feeling challenged, grab a moment to be grateful…let the positive feelings boost your mood and energy level. Next, take a peek at what good may come from changing things up a bit. Maybe you’ve gotten stuck just doing the same old thing over and over again. Think about what you WANT to see, what you HOPE will happen, and allow these thoughts to energize and inspire you. And, add a dose of your heart to top it off…LOVE is full of desire, hope, excitement, compassion, eagerness, affection, strength and so much more. Use it!! It’s better than a B12 shot!!! And, then, keep your EYES WIDE OPEN so you can see how a fresh perspective on whatever your situation is really makes a difference.

Change can be hard, but it can also be beautiful and rewarding!

I just returned from trying out a new hair stylist…yep, time to change things up a bit!! 🙂  And, I’m so happy I did…I had to wait awhile to find the right person…knew what I was looking for.   Sometimes it takes TIME.  I love the new stylist I met today, and I walked out of that salon with a little giggle in my smile, a HAPPY bounce in my step, and feeling refreshed.  That’s what a good cut can do for a girl, you know!!  It was time to change things up, try someone new…give change a chance!

Go forward, sweet friends…be willing to EMBRACE change…listen to your heart because it will help guide you to know when the time is right!  And, if change happens to pounce on you…well, listen to your heart again…it won’t lead you wrong!

2012 Copyright Ann-Margaret’s/Ann-Margaret’s Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
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Artist ~ Writer ~ Photographer